There are so many amazing benefits of using an infrared sauna that it was a service we definitely wanted our clients like you to experience. Check out the details below, or skip down to a short video at the bottom of this page which will provide you with science behind this fabulous spa experience.
1 – Extreme Stress Reduction
Saunas are huge stress fighters. Thanks to sugar, coffee, lack of sleep, stressed adrenals, and toxic chemical exposure, many of us are stuck in the sympathetic or “fight or flight” state. Saunas encourage our bodies to go into the parasympathetic state, which allows us to de-stress, digest, rest, and heal.
2 – Balance Hormones
Stress reduction helps to lower stress hormones (cortisol). When cortisol is kept in balance, thyroid, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, and estrogen are also kept in balance. In fact, progesterone levels can increase if we keep our cortisol in a healthy range. Saunas help the adrenals secrete aldosterone, which helps keep electrolytes in balance too.
3 – Get Superpowers!
Saunas can make it seem like you’ve acquired super healing strength. A number of studies show that near-infrared saunas can significantly improve tissue and wound healing, including retinal injury! One study found that mice who were blinded by chemicals had their eyesight damaged completely reversed because of NIR therapy. Finnish and German studies show that saunas can reduce the incidence of cold and flu by about 30%.
4 – Fountain of Youth
It can help reduce signs aging and help your skin be healthier and younger-looking. The red light stimulates collagen and elastin production. Collagen and elastin help plump and firm the skin which can also help alleviate stretch marks and cellulite. of saunas infrared Deep sweating can also help improve skin cell turnover. It can remove bacteria from the skin, which helps with acne and improves skin health. Additionally, NIR saunas are shown to reduce inflammation, which can alleviate skin issues such as psoriasis and eczema.
5 – Lose Weight Effortlessly
Saunas can help with weight loss. Saunas can increase heart rate while lowering blood pressure and increasing oxygenation and metabolic rate. These physiological effects are incredibly similar to cardio exercise!
A study involving a group of women riding stationary bicycles demonstrated a 444% increase in weight loss for the group exposed to near-infrared light when compared to the exercise-only group.
Far infrared radiant heat can burn more than 600 calories in a 30-minute session (that’s my kind of exercise)! It's a great practice for increasing energy and sauna therapy recharges mitochondria, so it’s reaching us at a cellular level and when you sit in a hot sauna, your body temperature begins to rise. This causes your blood vessels to dilate, which increases blood flow and overall circulation. Blood brings nutrients and oxygen to all body tissues and .help them heal.
6 – Avoid Heart Disease
We already know that saunas reduce blood pressure, increase oxygenation, and circulation all of which support heart health. Studies show saunas are less likely than the exercise itself to cause cardiac episodes in men who have underlying heart conditions. However, saunas are just as effective at increasing cardiac output (exercising the heart) as exercise, making them a great alternative for those with some heart conditions that make exercise potentially dangerous.
7 – Helps with Medical Conditions
Saunas have been shown to be useful in alleviating symptoms associated with depression, autoimmune disease, and chronic pain and fatigue. It helps with chronic tension headaches. Sauna therapy reduced pain and fatigue associated with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Sauna therapy has even been used to support various cancer treatments. It is known that high temperatures can kill cancer cells, usually without hurting normal cells and body tissue. So, from breast, brain, bladder, cervix, rectum, lung, oesophagus, vulva and vagina, and also for melanoma therapy tumour cells. One study showed that the use of hyperthermia alone resulted in complete overall response rates infrared inhibited the growth of a solid of 13%. Using hyperthermia, in addition to other treatment modalities, has shown significant improvement in tumours of the head, neck.
8– Removes Heavy Metals & Chemicals
Many toxins seem to prefer to dump into sweat versus blood or are excreted in the urine. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury have been shown in studies to be excreted through the skin as well or better than the urine. Furthermore, a Canadian study found that the concentration of phytates (chemicals in toys, fragrances, cosmetics, etc) was twice as high in sweat than in urine or blood. In 80% of the subjects’ study found BPA Another sweat, while finding no detectable levels in their blood or urine. This seems to point to sweat being the best method for excreting the toxin.

Phew and there's more but we didn't want to bore you. So, why not make the most of these benefits and book a private sauna session for just £15 per hour.
Updated COVID -19 Health & Safety Guidelines for Sauna Use
Updated COVID -19 Health & Safety Guidelines for Sauna Use
Only one client will be allowed in the sauna at any one time, you will now be required to fill out a form before use we now have COVID - 19 safety checks and you will be asked to have your temperature checked before your session. There will only be one person allowed in the changing room at any one time.
Please wash and sanitize your hands before entering the salon. you are welcome to bring your own bathroom towel and slippers.
Our team has been trained to sanitize the sauna effectively and log the cleaning after every client, we have an internal O3 button which cleans viruses and bacteria. we ask you to follow our policies and procedures.
We ask all of our guests to wear a swimsuit in the sauna, we do have disposable slippers for £1 please read the health and safety of the sauna and tell us about any medical conditions.
We do ask you to read and sign a consultation form with every visit, so please come on time for your session we have added 10 mins on your time before your session, to allow for these new checks.